Monday, August 24, 2015

So Much Fun!!!

Today was so much fun!  I had a blast at training and was so incredibly impressed by how talented you all are!  The students in this school district are lucky to have you all as teachers! 

As I was looking over the survey questions, I noticed several questions about how to connect with the core curriculum.  I noted on all my lessons the state standards and objectives but I thought I'd show you an example of how many ideas/skills can be taught in one lesson without even knowing it.  Maybe it would be fun to compare Kindergarten to 6th grade with the same lessons and see what we touched on today.  Here is an example for you....

  • Singing---steady beat, melodic direction (up/down), speaking vs. singing voice, sing sol-mi phrases matching pitch, folk and traditional song choices, rhyme or song with teacher accompanied ostinato, vocal timbre
  • Playing---steady beat, body percussion, simple un-pitched percussion, melodic direction (up/down), size of sound/source of pitch, proper UPP playing technique
  • Creating---Steady beat, sound effects to accompany stories
  • Listening---Steady beat, body percussion, melodic direction (up/down), folk and traditional song choices, timbre (vocal and instrumental)
6th Grade:
  • Singing---steady beat, rhythmic patterns including 16th notes, in tune singing with good vocal tone and production in major (and minor), folk and traditional song choices, 2 & 3 part rounds, partner songs, harmonies, rondo form, sing and speak with sensitivity to expression,
  • Playing--- steady beat, rhythmic patterns with 16th notes, Bordun and ostinatos, partner songs, various instruments alone and in groups, rondo form, play with sensitivity to expression
  • Creating---Steady beat, ostinato, 2 & 3 part rounds, rondo form, timbre
  • Listening---STeady beat, rhythmic patterns including 16th notes, scale patterns, ostinato, 2 & 3 part rounds, partner songs, rondo form, timbre
  • Reading/Notation---N/A...but could modify to include pentatonic and diatonic melodies, soprano recorder, staff notation, ostinato, 2 & 3 part rounds
I'm sure there are some that I missed, I just thought it would be interesting to compare the two opposite grade levels and see how many things they have in common when it comes to the core curriculum. I encourage you to explore the grade level curriculum I printed off for you in your folder!

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