Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Round and Round

As promised, here is the link for my garage band version of  Fiddle Diddle Dee (Round and Round) I used at training last week.  I did extend it a little bit for you so hopefully it runs long enough for you to get through it a few times with your kids. 

For those of you who were unable to attend training I have included the lesson for Fiddle Diddle Dee.  This is a super fun lesson and I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. 

Fiddle Diddle Dee
From: We’re Orff
Great for Kinder, 1st grade and 2nd grade 

DESK:  Develop music skills through participation in hands-on activities involving singing, playing instruments, listening activities, and simple iconic/standard notation. 

  • The student will develop the voice and body as instruments of musical expression.
  • The student will create music through improvising, arranging and composing.
  • The students will listen to, analyze, and describe music.
  • Explore the potential of the human voice to make sounds and sing with a natural voice.
    • Sing a variety of simple songs in a natural voice, free from strain.
  • Use body movement to internalize sounds.
    • Demonstrate the beat by using non-locomotor movements.(pat, clap, tap)
    • Demonstrate the beat by using locomotor movements. (march, walk)
  • Improvise together as a class a variety of musical sounds with the body, voice and instruments.
    • Create simple rhythm and or melody patterns.
  • Perceive and respond to the messages in music and the use of music elements.
    • Identify when the class listens quietly or otherwise, as directed.
    • Use body movement to show when the music goes higher or lower in pitch, when the volume changes between loud and soft.
  • Fiddle Diddle Dee Music (I do not have a recording of it, I learned it from Youtube) a notated copy is attached.
  1. Gather the children in a circle around the room. 
  2. Tell the children you are going to sing a song for them and you need them to listen.
    1. Sing the whole song for the students and use the actions (found listed on the notation) while you sing.
    2. Break the song into smaller chunks and have the students be your echo. I would suggest either 2 or 4 smaller phrases.
    3. Sing the whole song again and then have the students join you with singing and actions.
  3. Talk about different ways you can keep the steady beat, “I can keep the steady beat by patting my head.”  “I can keep the steady beat by marching in place.”  “I can keep the steady beat by clapping.”  Ask the students to think of ways they can keep the steady beat and try some of their suggestions.
  4. Sing the song again with the children.  In-between verses practice keeping the steady beat for 16 counts by using one of the ways the teacher or students suggested and then repeat the verse again.  You can continue to sing the song several times practicing the steady beat in between verses each time.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry. I forgot to attach the notation for the song but I will fix it in the morning. Oops!
